10 Reasons Why My Skin Is So Oily All of a Sudden

In this article we will talk about Why My Skin Is So Oily All of a Sudden. Oily skin may be a confusing and troublesome thing to face if it suddenly appears without any warning and seems to rule one’s life. Having an insight into the different reasons that can cause sudden oiliness is important since it helps understand the problem and deal with it. Though this article is a bit lengthy, it will be a comprehensive guide and will discuss the possible reasons why oily skin arises and strategies for managing and preventing it.


Oily skin is the one that has an increased sebum production in the skin which is provided by the skin oil glands. Although some people might be genetically prone to oily, it is also possible for others to face this problem as a result of other factors, namely hormonal shifts, air pollution, a certain diet, or the skincare regimen.

Understanding Skin Types

We need to bring some clarity on why your skin would all of a sudden get oily before diving into the details. It is okay to start with the basics of the different types of skin, their characteristics, and their properties. Skin types are typically categorized into four main groups: average, oily, dry, and combination types.

Oily Skin: Factors of its Appearance

A variety of conditions commonly cause sudden oiliness. These include hormonal changes, environmental effects, dietary behavior, and skincare products.

Hormonal Changes and Oiliness

Changes in hormone levels, which primarily occur during the stages of puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause, can be responsible for oil production in the skin, which is quite significant. Approaching puberty androgens in males become high and as a result of that, the sebaceous glands produce more oil, which results in oily skin and acne. As well, the hormonal variations that accompany menstruation and pregnancy might also contribute to the regulation of sebum production which in turn causes sudden oily skin.

Sources of Oily Skins from the Environment

In addition to these, humidity, contamination, and shifts in climate are also responsible for rapid oiliness. Humid climates may boost the production of oil by the skin as an intrinsic defense mechanism, and thus, increase the skin’s oiliness. In kids’ faces, air contaminants may be stuck in pores and make oily skin worse. The weather can also make the skin’s natural balance get out of order and its sebum production increases quickly.

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Dietary Triggers for Oiliness

Not only your diet but the diet too can cause the onset of oily skin. The skin might become oily by adopting a diet that comprises excessive fat and sugar. Dehydration can cause the skin to start producing more oil to make up for the moisturizing loss, which ends up in an unexpected oily look. The diet and the water you take in are key in keeping your skin both healthy and preventing excess oiliness.

Impact of Skincare Products

The kinds of skincare products you use can even be a factor that may cause your skin to be oily. Coming up with highly stringent cleansers or moisturizers that take away the skin’s oils could be the cause of the problem of the skin barrier function and, consequently, an increase in oil production. Similarly, excessive use of heavy or “comedogenic” products will clog pores and make the skin oilier. Selecting the right products is a must if your skin is such as dry or oily type and using products with harmful and pores-clogging ingredients is a big no.

Over-Cleansing and Its Effects

The cleansing of the skin too much can be counterproductive as it can make the oil level increase. Being too harsh on your skin by cleansing it frequently or using chemical-laden cleaners, results in scrubbing the natural oils of your skin which then leads to an excessive production of sebum with the attempt of your skin to normalize. It is necessary to clean the skin with softness and also not to excess use, to keep its natural balance.

Stress and Oil Production

By stressing out, our skin is affected in a manner that leads to oily skin. One of the most common effects of stress is an increase in the level of cortisol, a hormone that can boost the activation of the sebaceous glands that are responsible for oil production. Long-term stress can result in oily skin as a permanent feature and acne breakouts. Learning how to manage stress through meditation, deep breathing, and exercise can be a great remedy for stress levels and a healthy skin complexion as well.

Why My Skin Is So Oily All of a Sudden

Genetics and Oiliness Predilection

The genetics also link to oily skin. In the event, that you have a family background of oily skin, there is a high chance that you will subsequently experience this sudden oiliness yourself. The genetic components direct the production size and activity of the sebaceous glands and the general structure and function of the skin, as well.

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Medications and Oiliness

Some medications can lead to the appearance of oiliness, which could be an adverse reaction to the medicine. Cortisone medicines of different kinds, combined contraceptives, and lithium are all able to alter hormone levels and trigger oil manufacturing in the skin. If you have oiliness of the skin after starting a new medication then you should timely consult your doctor to identify whether the medication could be the cause.

Health Conditions and Skin Oiliness

The presence of underlying health conditions, like hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, and thyroid imbalances, too, are among the causes of greasy eruptions. PCOS and Cushing’s syndrome are some of the conditions that affect the release of hormones thereby resulting in increased production of sebum in the skin. If, for instance, you have doubts about the cause of your sudden oiliness being a health condition, you should seek the advice of a healthcare professional to get the proper diagnosis and treatment.

The oiliness of the skin and sun exposure

Oily skin is a consequence of too much sun exposure, which further results in increased oiliness. With the UV rays triggering more oil production from the sebaceous glands, the skin can become greasy, giving rise to more acne. Furthermore, the link between sun exposure and inflammation and skin damage may undermine the efforts to fight the oiliness of the skin. Without a doubt, it is essential to watch out for your skin wear sunscreen every day, and find shade when you are outdoors.

Professional Treatments for Oiliness

So, if you’re having trouble controlling the oiliness on your own, you might want to consider utilizing several professional treatments available that will help you in this situation. Dermatology procedures like chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser therapy can be used to control oiliness and achieve the aesthetics of the skin. In addition, the use of prescription medicines like retinoids and oral contraceptives can also be applied to control oil production and prevent new breakouts.

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Lifestyle Modifications to Control Shine

Apart from conventional methods, lifestyle adaptation has equally a powerful role in controlling the excess oil on the face. Change your diet by incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and thereby reduce your frequency of taking processed and high-fat foods to balance the oil levels produced by the skin.

During this period, we should realize to keep the moisturizing level of the skin not so oily and the type of skincare products that we should concentrate on. Their main function is the repair of the skin balance, which is achieved by replacing regular cleansers with pH-balanced cleansers and moisturizers and oil-absorbing products with oil-free ones. In the long haul, stress will no longer haunt us with breathing exercises, physical exercises, meditation, and yoga that we have learned. Such an effect will reveal the brightening of the skin color and reduce the level of stress.


At last, oiliness has become the most annoying and challenging thing to deal with for me in this short duration. While the factors cannot be circumvented, the measures can be implemented in response and bring about long-term benefits. We should take into consideration the hormonal fluctuations, the effects of the environment, the food habits, and the skincare routines to successfully preserve the balance and healthiness of our skin. If you think managing of the excessive oiliness will be problematic for you, feel free to go to a dermatologist or a health care expert. Also follow us on medium.

FaQs About Why My Skin Is So Oily All of a Sudden:

What causes sudden oily skin?

Acne can be triggered by a number of factors, for example, hormonal imbalance, environmental factors, unhealthy eating habits, cosmetics, stress, genetics, medicines, and skin disorders or by sun exposure.

How do hormonal changes contribute to sudden oiliness?

Puberty hormone changes, menstrual flow, pregnancy, and menopause may all influence the secretion of more oil by the sebaceous glands, making oily skin appear overnight.

Can environmental factors affect sudden oiliness?

Yes, environmental factors like pollutants, air moisture, and climatic changes can affect sebum production, which results in the skin suddenly becoming more oily.

Do dietary habits play a role in sudden oiliness?

Yes, an unhealthy diet consisting of high levels of fat and sugar or lack of water can have a sudden impact on the skin in terms of its oiliness since its oil production may be affected.

How do skincare products impact sudden oiliness?

The facial wash, moisturizing creams, and cosmetics containing a lot of harsh chemicals, will cause a depletion of the skin’s natural oils, thus leading to an overproduction of sebum and sudden oiliness.

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